Living Essentials Page

BYU Broadcasting hosts a telejournal dubbed Living Essentials which interviews various experts on many including survivalist topics. Here are links to relevant episodes with PDF files contain transcripts and sometimes "hand-outs" with recipes, advice, bibliographies and additional links.

The existence of a link here does not mean I endorse the show or its contents. This said, the folks at BYU Broadcasting and Rebecca Cressman have done a really good job at bringing you the most and the most accurate information possible. Realize that some of the episodes date back years, however.

A lot of these links have been invalidated or make you go searching deeper because the website has evolved. Perhaps we'll update them as we can get to it.

Rebecca Cressman also hosts (or hosted) a show named Home Grown that included episodes on wonderful topics such as square-foot gardening and hydroponic gardening. There is a lot of information on these techniques out on the Internet, but here are links to BYU Broadcasting pages.